
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
The Spiritual Basis of Hinduism
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
On November 13, Dr. G. Lahkshman visited the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina to tell us how Hinduism explains the age old questions of why we are here and how to improve our spiritual lives. This presentation is well worth your attention as Dr. Lahkshman gets to the basics of what Hinduism is all about

Wednesday Nov 09, 2011
Alice Samkoe explains RPL Literacy Program
Wednesday Nov 09, 2011
Wednesday Nov 09, 2011
On November 6, the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina hosted Alice Samkoe from the Regina Public Library to speak to us about what literacy is and why it is important. We discovered that RPL's literacy program is more than ESL for new Canadians and we also learned how important volunteers are to the program.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
Celebration of Life for Jim Struthers
Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
On July 13, 2011, long time member of the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina, Jim Struthers died peacefully at Regina General Hospital. A memorial gathering was held at the Regina Unitarian Centre led by Lay Chaplain, Bruno Sahut on July 22nd to celebrate a life well lived.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2011
How Marian Donnelly made downtown Regina more interesting
Tuesday Oct 25, 2011
Tuesday Oct 25, 2011
If you have occasion to stroll down what used to be Scarth Street and is now the FW Hill Mall, you may have noticed activity in the vicinity of Loggies Shoes. A team of volunteers inspired and encouraged by the tireless efforts of Marian Donnelly has transformed the 2nd and 3rd stories of the Loggie Shoes building into studio, performance, gallery and retail space for a cadre of artists. Marian spoke to us about her struggles to provide space for Regina artists to create and thrive.

Monday Oct 03, 2011
Terry Talks TED
Monday Oct 03, 2011
Monday Oct 03, 2011
Terry Chadwick, spoke to us last Sunday about TED talks on the internet. These talks are on Technology, Entertainment and Design and can be accessed at TED.com Terry showed us a couple of examples (we are only posting the audio) of the talks and gave us a brief overview of the types of topics covered by the talks.

Friday Sep 30, 2011
Helen Christiansen discusses Spirituality
Friday Sep 30, 2011
Friday Sep 30, 2011
What is Spirituality? Helen explores what we mean when we talk about spirituality.