
Monday Feb 20, 2012
Growing up godless: Strategies for the 21st century secular family
Monday Feb 20, 2012
Monday Feb 20, 2012
Rebecca Bennetch discussed parenting from a secular perspective at our Feb 19 service. Issues like how to deal with relatives who are religious, how to advise children to respond to friends who are insistent about religious concepts like the existence of heaven and hell. When to stop conciliating and call a spade a spade. It was a great discussion and continued after the service at coffee downstairs.

Wednesday Feb 15, 2012
Humanist Series: Walt Whitman
Wednesday Feb 15, 2012
Wednesday Feb 15, 2012
On Sunday, February 12, Pam Bocking gave us her presentation on Walt Whitman, American poet, essayist and journalist. In this talk, Pam described some of Whitman's experiences and humanist beliefs, whetting our appetite for further explorations into Walt Whitman's life and writings.

Monday Feb 06, 2012
Sikhism: Some History and Principles
Monday Feb 06, 2012
Monday Feb 06, 2012
On Sunday February 5, presenter Gagan Deep Singh gave us the history of Sikhism and described its origin and development beginning in 1469. Included are sound tracks from two videos; one is an interview explaining the significance of wearing a turban, the other is a visit to the Golden Temple at Amritsar. After listening to this podcast, Gagan was not satisfied with his answer to some questions asked by one of our members. He asked us to include the following clarification: "I... apologize for not properly understanding the question asked by Bruno during the presentation. After listening to the podcast, I thought I should add the clarification.

Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Presenter: Dr. Doug Durst
Canada is experiencing increasing diversity among our senior population, and this has implications for emotional and spiritual care. At times, it is difficult to determine how best to serve our seniors. Furthermore, issues of "politically-correct behaviours" can be confusing. Doug dispels 10 myths about working in the multicultural community.

Sunday Jan 22, 2012
Sunday Jan 22, 2012
Sunday Jan 22, 2012
Presenter:Dr. Shauneen Pete Growing up in Regina as a middle-class First Nations person can best be described as contradictory. This narrative presentation outlines the experiences of one urban First Nations person and her family.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
Humanism: A Home for Freethinkers
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
Humanism: A Home for Freethinkers Presenter: Sandra Allan
This presentation is an introduction to a series highlighting some of the Humanist thinkers present in various readings in our inspirational book, Singing the Living Tradition. We look at the origins and principles of Humanism and suggest how the Humanist philosophy relates to Unitarian aspirations. We also briefly consider how Humanism and morality might be said to connect.

Sunday Dec 11, 2011
What Do I Believe About God
Sunday Dec 11, 2011
Sunday Dec 11, 2011
"What do I believe about God? It was a straightforward question- routine, for most Seminary students. Months later, I was still thinking about how to answer it. I think it isn't enough to say what you believe about God. How your beliefs intersect with your life and your values is just as critical." Liz James spoke to the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina on December 11 to talk about her personal theology. She discussed her spiritual beginnings in a conservative Christian church and how her spiritual perspective evolved from that point to where she is now: studying to become a Unitarian Minister.

Sunday Dec 04, 2011
All Nations Hope Aids Network
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
On December 4th, Margaret Poitras, CEO of All Nations Hope Aids Network in Regina outlined her philosophy in her work to improve the lives of people, particularly indigenous who are battling different life problems, some stemming from residential schools, from addictions, mental health issues. She sees HIV/AIDS more as a symptom of problems faced by marginalized people. She left us with a strong sense of the hope she sees for improvements in the lives of the people being helped by All Nations Hope Aids Network

Sunday Dec 04, 2011
Is there community in the Internet?
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
For this presentation, Bill Stahl examines how the internet brings us closer together for some situations and isolates us in others. One thing for sure, the internet has changed our lives in very definite ways.

Sunday Dec 04, 2011
U R Pride: the Successes in the Queer Community
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
Sunday Dec 04, 2011
On November 20, Lisa Smith, Executive Director of the U of R Pride Centre gave us a short chronology of milestones in the History of Gay Rights beginning with the interesting fact that in Canada's early years after Confederation, Homosexuality was punishable by death. Improvements have been gradual but constant from that time on. Lisa also outlined the work done by the U of R Pride Centre to support gay students. She also commented on the spectrum of sexual and gender preferences that have always existed in the population.