
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
When the healthcare crisis hits, who is there to care for your spirit?
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
On November 25, Rev. Mary Burbacher visited the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina to talk to us about her role in providing spiritual care for the hospitals in Regina and told two stories that illustrated how the services of a spiritual care provider can fill an important need for the patients and families of patients in hospital who are encountering difficult events and decisions in their lives.

Friday Nov 23, 2012
Childhood under siege: How big business targets children (Joel Bakan, 2011)
Friday Nov 23, 2012
Friday Nov 23, 2012
On Sunday October 28, our own Donna Cowley led us in a discussion about how large corporations target our children from a very early age to encourage consumption of their products. She refers us to a book by Joel Baken 2011 "Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children".

Sunday Oct 21, 2012
All Religions Are Not The Same
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
One of the Sources of Unitarian Tradition is the “Wisdom from the world’s religions…” On Sunday, October 21 Ethel Struthers and Helen Christiansen introduced a series exploring the fundamental ideas and practices of eight of the world’s major religions: Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Yoruba Religion, Judaism, and Daoism. This project was inspired by "God is not One", a book written by Stephen Prothero, a professor of religion at Boston University.

Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Gratitude and Thankfulness
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
On Oct 5, Carol Porter spoke to us about the whole idea of being grateful and how Calvinistic ideas have tended to make some parts of society less sympathetic to the rights and needs of people who are in poverty or less prosperous than others. She casts some light on the beliefs that somehow, the wealth of the small percentage of our population is deserved, while the poverty of others is, also, deserved. A very interesting, thought provoking discussion.

Saturday Oct 06, 2012
The Balkans
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
Fellowship member Ingrid Alesich was able to make a trip this past Summer to the area where her father was born. She traveled through the former Yugoslavia and experienced great natural beauty, interesting and beautiful historical places and learned a great deal about this diverse land. She tells of some of her experiences.

Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
Living and Working in Belize: The Spiritual Impact of Working in a Developing Country
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
On Sunday September 16, Maureen Anderson spoke to us about her experiences working in Belize and how these experiences have affected her life here in Canada.

Monday Jun 11, 2012
Montessori Method: After 100 years, more relevant than ever
Monday Jun 11, 2012
Monday Jun 11, 2012
On Sunday June 10, Shawna Abusada explained the basics of the Montessori Method and how the actual practice varies with the individual teacher and the individual needs of each student. The interesting observation made was that the new knowledge about how the brain can recover from injury reinforces the premise of the Montessori Method in addressing learning and cognative disabilities.

Tuesday Jun 05, 2012
Sophia Lyons Fah: Unitarian Universalist Educator and Leader
Tuesday Jun 05, 2012
Tuesday Jun 05, 2012
In this last (for the time being) presentation on Unitarian humanists whose writings we find in our hymnal. Helen Christiansen shares her enthusiasm for this influential teacher and scholar who was still active and productive into her 90s. We get a brief personal history, then some examples of the attitude she had towards the education (religious or otherwise) of children. Her thoughts as presented by Helen, are as fresh today as they were when they were first delivered.

Monday May 28, 2012
Do Churches and Fellowships Need to Embrace Social Media to Survive?
Monday May 28, 2012
Monday May 28, 2012
Liz James asks us what we want our church (or in our case, fellowship) to look like. She uses analogies involving Lego blocks and interactions with her children to illustrate her points while she explores what a church should be. The point is made along the way that we should be less concerned about our own survival and more concerned about what we want to do in our community.

Monday May 28, 2012
Do Churches and Fellowships Need to Embrace Social Media to Survive?
Monday May 28, 2012
Monday May 28, 2012
Liz James asks us what we want our church (or in our case, fellowship) to look like. She uses analogies involving Lego blocks and interactions with her children to illustrate her points while she explores what a church should be. The point is made along the way that we should be less concerned about our own survival and more concerned about what we want to do in our community.