
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Hirsch Greenberg talks about "Justice"
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
On March 3, Hirsch Greenberg talked to us about what he tells students in his Human Justice classes, how he sees our present justice system, the approach of Politicians to the Justice "system" and what the goals of this system should be.

Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Christianity: Third in the series, "God is not One"
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
Sunday Feb 10, 2013
In this presentation, Ethel Struthers tells us of her journey through Stephen Protheros reflections in his book "God Is Not One". She gives us the basic overview of Christianity and how it has evolved to the present day. Interesting conversation and discussion ensued.

Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
There are many opportunities for civic engagement in Regina. Certainly there are many issues that are shared for settlers, First Nations & Metis, and new Canadians. But how do we start to work together? How can I be a worker for social change in relation to First Nations and Metis peoples? Becoming an ally requires reflection, and action. Where can I begin? Presented by Dr. Shauneen Pete

Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Islam -- The second Presentation in the series: God Is Not One
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
According to Stephen Prothero, about one-fifth of the world’s population self-identify as Muslims. Prothero suggests that Islam is a key player in the Middle East and Asia, and a rapidly growing presence in Europe and North America. In this presentation, following Prothero’s four-part approach, we will explore Islam as the path of submission. Helen Christiansen presents.

Saturday Jan 26, 2013
Why we have to change the way we get our food
Saturday Jan 26, 2013
Saturday Jan 26, 2013
On January 20, Denise MacDonald told us how multinational corporations dominate our food supply and operate in ways that are unsustainable and harmful especially to the farmers in developing countries who have been forced to abandon traditional crops and farming methods.

Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Robbie Burns, the Bard of Scotland
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
On Sunday, January 13, Ken Mitchell spoke to us about Robbie Burns (his birthday is January 25) and why his birthday continues to be celebrated around the world. Ken was appropriately attired in his kilt and recited a number of well known poems in the course of his interesting and timely presentation.

Sunday Dec 16, 2012
David Thompson honoured at Intergenerational Service
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
On Sunday, December 16, the fellowship recognized David Thompson with the first Jim Struthers award. Jim's son, Jamie talked about his father's long-time dedicated service to the fellowship. Joanne Green read the citation in which David's contributions were noted after which Jamie Struthers presented the award. Our intergenerational service with contributions from the children was enjoyed by all.

Friday Dec 14, 2012
The Trouble with Beauty
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Presenter: Bruce Rice
What is the nature of beauty? How can we write honestly about beauty and nature, without denying the human impacts of the landscape? Bruce talked about the different landscapes that have informed his work, and the influence of art, and the “new topographics”. As usual, there was enthusiastic discussion following the presentation.

Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
The Trouble with Christmas
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
On December 2, Liz James, a friend of the fellowship studying to become a Unitarian minister visited us in Regina and gave us some reflections on how Christmas happens in her household. Among other things, their gift giving tradition is a far cry from what most of us have practiced for years. She talks about the Christmas story and how she has retold it to make sense to her children. This was a thought provoking presentation that finished up with some excellent comments from the fellowship.

Sunday Nov 25, 2012
When the healthcare crisis hits, who is there to care for your spirit?
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
On November 25, Rev. Mary Burbacher visited the Unitarian Fellowship of Regina to talk to us about her role in providing spiritual care for the hospitals in Regina and told two stories that illustrated how the services of a spiritual care provider can fill an important need for the patients and families of patients in hospital who are encountering difficult events and decisions in their lives.