
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
The God Argument -- For Humanism
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Presenter: Helen Christiansen.
This second presentation looks at Grayling’s view of humanism,
which he believes is an approach to life for those who wish to live with
intellectual integrity, based on reason, evidence, and a desire to do
and to be good.

Sunday Oct 19, 2014
The God Argument: Against Religion
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Presenter: Allyne Knox
The first of two presentations examines Grayling’s arguments for and against religion and religious belief. It explores Grayling’s ideas regarding the reasons and motives people have for being religious, and how well these reasons and motives stand up to closer scrutiny.

Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Presenter: Denise MacDonald
Permaculture re-imagines our economy and food system so that it
works for people, ecosystems and the planet by growing a
life-sustaining culture that is ecologically and economically viable.

Sunday Oct 05, 2014
CUC & Peace Between Israel and Palestine
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Presenter: Donna Cowley
A presentation of two controversial discussion papers by Rev.
Frances Deverell, published with the support of Canadian Unitarians for
Social Justice. Donna will talk about both of these papers, and their
potential impact on CUC members.

Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Famous Unitarians: An overview and Michael Servetus
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
We are beginning a series talking about Unitarians whose names may already be familiar to you but not as a person who we identify as Unitarians. Pam Bocking gives us a brief runthrough of Unitarians from the beginnings to more recent times. Then Jane Knox talks about Michael Servetus, an early religious thinker whose views got him burned at the stake by the Calvanists in Switzerland. More to come.

Sunday Jun 22, 2014
An Expression of Reconciliation
Sunday Jun 22, 2014
Sunday Jun 22, 2014
Presenters: Regina Unitarians
On March 29th, the Canadian Unitarian Council and the UU Ministers of Canada presented an Expression of Reconciliation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Edmonton. The Expression conveys CUC and UUMOC support for the path of reconciliation between Canadian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people

Sunday Jun 08, 2014
The Environment According to Essays by Wendell Berry
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Presenter: Glenna Ottenbreit-Born
“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility.” Wendell Berry, American novelist, poet, environmental activist, cultural critic and farmer, will be discussed.

Sunday Jun 01, 2014
The Spirituality of Music: Depth Music Therapy
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Presenter: Bernadette Kutarna
The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music was developed by
the late Dr. Helen Bonny, Music Therapist, when she learned that
listening to western classical music in an altered state of
consciousness facilitated exploration of one's inner world. Through a
process of relaxation, focus and specifically chosen music listening,
individuals were able to access their inner strengths, release creative
blocks and work toward resolution of dilemmas. This person-focused work
is usually done on an individual basis. As part of this presentation,
we did a short imagery and music process as a group.

Sunday May 25, 2014
Chant: History, Spirituality, Practice
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
Presenter: Barbara Swanson: (note: unfortunately we missed recording the first few minutes of the presentation)
Most faith traditions use chanting to elevate human utterance,
connect with the transcendent, effect personal transformation, and give
meaning to spiritual journey. The often simple, sometimes formulaic
melodies of chant provide a unique and powerful way to enter into
spiritual practice. Looking briefly at two of the world’s chanting
traditions, Christian and Jewish, provides insight into how and why
chant has been used to give meaning to spiritual life.

Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
Presenter: Michele Sorensen
Using a variety of resources, this course provides a rationale and background into a beginning and continually changing understanding of sexual identity. Pedagogical and instructional implications for teachers are explored, with a view towards creating an understanding of the complexities of sexual identity.