
Monday Feb 23, 2015
The Rhythm of the Saints
Monday Feb 23, 2015
Monday Feb 23, 2015
Presenter: Darlene Juschka.
Santería, also known as la Regla de Ocha (The rule of the
Oricha) or la religión Lucumi is a syncretic system of belief found in
Cuba that combines Yoruba (Southwest Nigeria) and Spanish folk
Catholicism. In this presentation, Darlene will briefly explain the
history of Santería and some aspects of the system of belief, such as
the world view, the Orichas (the saints), and ritual practice such as
possession and healing.

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Almost Fifty Years: How Far We’ve Come Since Stonewall
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Presenter: Jean Hillabold
Have gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people (to use a broad
description) gained rights and visibility since the Stonewall Riots of
1969? Definitely, and this diverse community is arguably further ahead
in Canada than in the U.S. However, liberation from the worst forms of
oppression has created big changes in "queer culture," and not all have
been improvements.

Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Ray Kurzweil -- Famous Unitarians Series
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Ray Kurzweil -- Famous Unitarians Series
Presenter: Allyne Knox
Introducing Ray Kurzweil, futurist, inventor, entrepreneur extraordinaire. Ray gives " his
Unitarian upbringing credit for his interest in scientific investigation without dogma".

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA): successes and challenges
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Presenter: Otto Dreidger
CoSA is a non-profit organization that strengthens community safety by helping high-risk offenders who re-enter our communities after periods of incarceration. Volunteer Circles assist these individuals to successfully reintegrate into the community by offering support, modelling and encouraging law-abiding life styles and accountability.

Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Amnesty International
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Presenter: Libby Jeffry
In 1989, a Colombian lawyer was arrested at home by security
forces. He managed to shout “Call Amnesty! Call Amnesty!” before he was
taken away. With over 3 million
members, Amnesty International is the world’s largest human rights
movement. Backed by the organization's research teams, members of
Amnesty International are empowered to take action and support those who
are facing violations that are unfounded, based on the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights. Find out what happened next to this lawyer.
How has Amnesty International changed (or saved) lives? What campaigns
are currently under way?

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Presenter: Victor Lau
A presentation on Canada's second Green Party Member of Parliament. Bruce's life as a
Unitarian Universalist and his timely politics will be explored and discussed.

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Conflict between Human Rights & Canadian Mining in Guatemala
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Presenters: Robbi Humble
Canadian mining companies are leading the field in
international mining concessions, and unfortunately, also in human
rights complaints in mineral-rich developing countries far away from
Canadian eyes. The Indigenous Peoples of Guatemala, their way of life
and livelihoods, are particularly threatened and are rising up against
these violations of their rights and of their spiritual beliefs in the
centrality of life and Mother Earth. How is this happening? What can we,
as Canadians, do to take responsibility for our part in these global
systems that perpetuate injustice in the name of profits on our behalf?

Sunday Nov 16, 2014
By their agreements you shall know them
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Visiting Minister: Karen Fraser-Gitlitz
What are the principles that support healthy, inclusive
communities? What guidelines or ground
rules do you follow in your family and your friendships? The bonds of
friendship and association provide us with some of the greatest joy and
satisfaction in human life . . . and, every now and then, they provide
us with some of our trickiest challenges. This morning we will explore
some wisdom (aka painfully learned lessons!) from within our own
tradition and beyond.

Monday Nov 10, 2014
Imagist Poetry: Fragmentation and the Wish for Wholeness
Monday Nov 10, 2014
Monday Nov 10, 2014
Presenter: Alex MacDonald
This illustrated talk was read in February of this year as part
of the University of Regina lecture series commemorating the centenary
of the start of World War I in 1914. The talk begins with the
observation made in many histories of the period, that the Great War was
a cultural watershed, and that a characteristic feature of this
watershed was the fragmentation of old ways of seeing the world. While
fragmentation is certainly evident in Imagist poetry of the years from
about 1910 to 1918, the other side of the binary is also present -- the
wish for wholeness

Sunday Nov 02, 2014
What is Zen?
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Presenter: Harriet Vu Zen is a way of living that is focused on being awake, finding joy, happiness, and enlightenment in the present moment. It is a practice that measures its success by the degree of peace one expects in life.