
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
The Injustice of War
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Presenter: Joe Thauberger
In all wars, each side believes the other to be the aggressor.
Each side is fighting a war of
defence. We are always in the right, and the other side is always in the
wrong. We are always the good guys, and those on the other side are the
monsters. Yet, in all wars, governments lie and deceive in many ways.
There are no “good wars”. And, it is often the justification of previous
wars that leads us to engage in new wars.

Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
Presenter: Andrew Quackenbush
What is interspiritual competence? We will consider the usefulness of spiritual self-assessment
and the value and pitfalls of adapting our spirituality to the practices of others.

Sunday May 17, 2015
Famous Unitarians - Susan B. Anthony
Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
Presenter: Heather Lau
Susan Brownell Anthony (1820-1906) was an American social
reformer and feminist who
played an important role in the women’s suffrage movement. She was
raised a Quaker, but after her family began attending the First
Unitarian Church of Rochester, New York in the mid-1800s, Anthony joined
them, and remained a Unitarian for the rest of her life.

Sunday May 03, 2015
Prairie Spruce Commons – Regina’s First Cohousing Community
Sunday May 03, 2015
Sunday May 03, 2015
Presenter: Dave Lareau
Cohousing is a concept that came to North America from Denmark
where it emerged over 40 years
ago. It describes neighborhoods that combine the autonomy of private
dwellings with the advantages of shared resources and community living.
Some people call cohousing neighborhoods a return to the best of
small-town communities. Others say they are like the close-knit
neighborhood where they grew up, while futurists call them an altogether
new response to social, economic and environmental challenges.

Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Presenter: Carol Porter
The original meaning of sanctuary is a sacred place such as a
shrine. As these places became used as safe havens, by extension the
term has come to be used for any place of safety, a shelter from danger
or hardship. What (or perhaps who) has provided sanctuary for you? This
was a participatory service introduced and facilitated by Carol

Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Famous Unitarian Series: Kurt Vonnegut
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Presenter: Joanne Green
Kurt Vonnegut was a writer first and Unitarian second.
Although his father and grandfather were Unitarians, he himself
participated infrequently in Unitarian congregations. Vonnegut is best
known for his novel Slaughterhouse Five, based on his experiences in
Dresden during WWII. According to one biographer, Vonnegut was a
genuinely religious man who believed that morality can exist without
traditional religion. Many of Vonnegut's beliefs and practices were
very much in tune with Unitarian Universalists and he spoke at many
Unitarian gatherings, including the General Assembly in 1986.

Thursday Apr 09, 2015
A Liberal Religious Understanding of Easter
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Presenter: Helen Christiansen
This adaptation of a Unitarian Easter sermon enabled us to look
at Easter from a Unitarian Universalist perspective. It allowed us not
to “skip Easter” but to explore its meanings in ways that enable us to
grow in our commitment to creating a world that is more compassionate
and just.

Sunday Mar 22, 2015
We're Here! Now What?
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Presenter: Ponziano Aluma
A family crisis promoted the writing of my book: "We're Here!
Now What?". My basic beliefs in God have shaped my views on the newcomer
experience. Refugees about whom we know very little, and who also know
very little about us, arrive on our shores. Although we have no control
over the events that give rise to exodus and migration, we do have
choices over what roles to play in the resettlement of newcomers once
they are here. And that starts with making an effort to understand them,
as well as helping them to understand us.

Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Mental Health Centre in the Village of Geel, Belgium
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Presenter: Jim Hutchings:
Mental Illness has always been with us. Patients were sometimes
treated quite cruelly in attempts to effect a cure. Other times, quite
kind approaches were used to try to make desired changes. Over the
centuries, one small community in Belgium stood out as a model for the
treatment of mental illness. We will examine the story of Geel and how
it became, for some, the "Gold Standard" for the treatment of the
mentally ill.

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
CUC month
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Wayne Williams talks to us about what it means to be UU (Unitarian Universalist) and how we are a part of a National organization, the Canadian Unitarian Council. He presents a sermon entitled "Faith Beyond our Walls", originally given by Rev Victoria Ingram, who is minister at 1st Unitarian Church in Hamilton .